Extrusion - Nylon Tube Costing Tool
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Nylon Tubes are hollow cylindrical Parts made from nylon a durable and versatile synthetic polymer. these tubes are produced exploitation associate in nursing bump work where hot nylon polymer is Sended done amp go to cast perpetual tubes. Once extruded the tubes are cooled and sized to achieve precise dimensions. respective name factors determine the product of nylon tubes including the case and character of green materials the sized and heaviness of the tubes product volumes and bond to stern character standards. Additional considerations such as the use of additives to Improve Effectiveness the Productivity of equipment and labor costs also play a significant role in determining the overall production costs.
A) General Part Information
Part Number:-
- Part Number which is usually mentioned on the drawing. (Alphanumeric values are accepted).
Part Description:-
- Enter Part Description which is usually mentioned on the drawing for example Bumper, Cover, Upper body, etc. (Alphanumeric values are accepted).
B) Volume (Number of Pieces Produced)
Annual Volume:-
- Number of Pieces that are Required in a Year. (Limit set for the tool: 1-10000000 Nos).
Lot Run Size:-
- The Number of Pieces to be Processed in a Single Setup
(Note: - Suggested value in Input box is Avg. monthly lot run Size. If you want to change simply override this value.)
(Limit set for the tool: 1 – 10000000 Nos).
C) Part Details
Tube type:-
- Select the Tube type from Drop-down list ( Monolayer Plain Tube, Monolayer Corrugated Tube, Multilayer Plain Tube, Multilayer Corrugated Tube) .